Games Are Equally Advantageous To Adults And Children


Benjamin Franklin states "Games lubricate the mind and body". Just like how an automobile cannot function or run without petrol or diesel, similarly, man whether children or adults cannot live for long without games.

For a child, games are a natural instinct and, he does almost all his activities naturally in a play way style.

However, a man of 21st has realized or should soon realize, to a large extent, the importance of games in his life, the hard way, and learn to make it a part and parcel of his lifestyle.
That is the present generation, who are mostly leading a sedentary lifestyle due to substantial improvement in technology, must understand to a great extent the need to play and have some frivolous activities regularly like games and sports often to increase his lifespan.

Certainly, games are a source of entertainment, great physical and mental exercise for the adults too just as it is to the children.

Just like how games are vital for every child's intellectual and physical development, it is equally a genuine fact that adults need them too. For an adult to stay fit and healthy, he must exercise regularly backed up with proper balanced diet. If he ignores the former at the expense of latter, he is definitely losing a balance which will make him unfit, unhealthy, and he will be prone to illness often.

If an adult wants to stay healthy and happy, playing games or exercises is the turning point to overall strength, well-being so as to achieve superb health and longevity. So, every adult must play games to keep himself physically and mentally fit.

Furthermore, the sedentary lifestyle and the intake of junk food especially in the urban areas has made man prone to illness like obesity, diabetes, heart stroke, mental fatigue, sprains, stress, insomnia, blood pressure, backache and so on.

If a man inculcates the habit of playing games as a part of his daily schedule, perhaps his health problems could be minimized, controlled and prevented.

The best way to protect and insure our health is through exercises and physical movement which could be done either through aerobics, yoga or running over a treadmill. Or, another alternative is by playing games like basket ball, football, tennis, badminton, running race, swimming etc. The games such as these are, indeed, not only fascinating and enthralling to kids but equally advantageous to adults too.

An hour a day spent playing games is the best source of investment in health, wealth and security for future. This means playing games and getting involved in sports increases our life span which any medical practitioner or health experts would agree to. So, just imagine how long our life could be in this planet if we were thoughtful enough to invest in games and sports.

Similarly, we all know that children need to be playing to grow. Playing games help children keep fit, healthy and strengthens their bones and helps in their overall growth and personality. But in case of an adult be it a man or a woman, it is not a matter of physical development, but a concern of keeping fit, slim, stress free and disease free.

Let's get a bit deeper into types of games and how they benefit us. Games can be broadly classified into two categories: indoor and outdoor games.

The indoor games such as chess, carom, puzzles, dominos, computer games etc. help develop ones intellectual capacity; enhances IQ. and, also hones ones social skills.

The outdoor games like badminton, tennis, swimming, football, basket ball, cycling etc. are still more important as it helps us acquire both physical and mental health benefits. The physical health benefits are building sportsmanship spirit, friendship, relaxation, burning calories and good blood circulation. The mental health benefits are to help overcome negative thoughts, forget unnecessary worries of past and attain mental stability which eliminate stress, tension and psychological problems.

Thus playing games are so fundamental to maintain good health just like how we need water to survive in this planet. This leaves me to wind up with a quote "There are really only two requirements when it comes to exercise. One is that you do it. The other is that you continue to do it". ~The New Glucose Revolution for Diabetes by Jennie Brand-Miller, Kaye Foster-Powell, Stephen Colagiuri, Alan W. Barclay


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