Ten Commandments to Healthy Eating

HEATLTHY EATING habits are fundamental to our survival as this habit alone can prevent from the major and minor diseases that inhibit our system from enjoying and living life to   the full. Moreover, when we inculcate good eating habits, we are not only in our optimal health but also able to give peak performance to attain goals we have whether it is  goals to attain financial, social or emotional success. So, here are the master keys or the ten rules to healthy eating: 
  1. Eat water rich food like fruits as they eliminate toxic wastes from our body which prevent and protect against major diseases like cancer, heart diseases etc.
  2. Never eat carbohydrates and proteins containing food together as it is difficult to be digested simultaneously. This initiates fatigue and makes us unhealthy and sluggish.
  3. Drink plenty of pure water. Always eat less food but try to drink lots of water.
  4. Never eat fruits along with meals or after meals. Instead always eat fruits on an empty stomach or as a meal itself.
  5. If you are non-vegetarian, opt for sea-foods. Opt for meat or chicken only once a week.
  6. Strictly include vegetable salad in your daily diet. 
  7. Opt for green tea or black tea instead of coffee. 
  8. Breathe like a baby. This implies breathe through your abdomen. Most of the fatal diseases can be easily prevented if you force yourself to breathe through your abdomen. 
  9. Inculcate the habit of exercising an hour a day. Regularly go for aerobics, walking, jogging, swimming or yoga. Exercise not only invigorates your spirit but also increases our life span. 
  10. Eat less or eat moderately.


antonnettemira said…
To have a healthy living one of those is eating a healthy food. Your blog giving us on how to eat proper healthy food and it is a big help on us especially to those who is working. Thank you.

Wellness Philippines
Yasmin said…
Thanks very much Chriztina. I appreciate your comments. God bless.
I think this is a really good article. You make this information interesting and engaging. You give readers a lot to think about and I appreciate that kind of writing.
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Healthy eating is crucial for digestive health
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