1.    Seldom go on extreme diets as they just don’t work.
2.    Never opt for sugar-free sweeteners or low-fat foods as they are totally misleading.  The low-fat food tends to help you gain weight.  The excess use of sugar-free sweeteners may cause cancer.
3.    Always eat fruits on an empty stomach or as a meal and, not after meals.  When fruits are eaten after meals, they convert into fats called triglycerides that block our arteries leading to cardiac problems.
4.    You must always eat to lose weight and, dieting should not involve starving yourself.
5.    Exercise is a must and non-negotiable even if you have healthy eating habits.
6.    Don’t make angels and demons out of different foods as they are all just as good or bad for you.
7.    The master key to lose weight is to eat every 2 hours and eat MODERATELY.


PreviLEAN said…
Losing weight is generally about eating the right foods and having the right amount of exercise on a daily basis. Nutritional Plans
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