Oatmeal - A Magical Health food

Oats is one of the most miraculous super grains with high soluble and insoluble dietary fibers. As a health conscious family member, opting for oats in your daily diet becomes mandatory as it has immense health benefits. Oats is, indeed, a magical super grain that keeps our heart healthy, helps attain longevity and is also an awesome immune system booster. So you should now consider eating oats everyday and make healthy choices for an energetic life.

As life of a man is getting more stressful and sedentary in this fast-moving yet wonderful and technological world, adding a highly nutritious food like oats should seldom be underestimated.

Here's a simple recipe of oats drink that can be taken either in the morning or at night. This recipe will help you make a delicious oat meal drink in less than 4 minutes:

Ingredients: 2 Cups of water

1 1/2 tablespoon of oats

A pinch of salt

Sugar as needed (optional)

Dry fruits like cashew / almonds (optional)

Soaked (overnight) fenugreek seed - 1/2 or 1 teaspoon (optional)

Milk - quarter of a cup

Method to prepare: Boil water with oats and add a pinch of salt. Let it boil for 2 minutes. Add milk. Also add sugar if needed. (If sugar is added, do not add the soaked fenugreek seeds). Add in dry fruits as well. Drink it hot and enjoy the delicious health drink.

Oats has several health benefits that can be specifically highlighted as follows:

1. Heart Disease & Cholesterol: Oats is a great cholesterol lowering agent. It eliminates the LDL bad cholesterol in the body without lowering the HDL, the good cholesterol which keeps the heart very healthy. Besides, research shows that a person who consumes oats regularly are less likely to have heart related problems and disease.
2. Great Cancer fighter: Oats contain a specific chemical called phytochemicals that prevent and fight cancer. Also as oats aid a lot in bowel movement, it safeguards and protects from gastrointestinal and bowel cancer. In addition, the compound lignans found in oats reduces the risk of hormone related diseases like breast cancer, endometrial, prostrate and ovarian cancer.
3. Immune System booster: Regular intake of oats helps a great deal in boosting our entire immune system thus safeguarding us from viral and bacterial fever and infections.

4. Balanced diet: Oats is a meal of balanced diet with thiamine; riboflavin; iron and foliate; calcium and phosphorous that enhances our life by keeping us physically fit and strong. It also has the nutritional value either equal to or more than the fruits / vegetables thus promoting perfect health.

5. Cures constipation: As the intake of oats aid in bowel movement, it helps to relieve constipation and also prevents gastro-intestinal related health problems.

6. Helps reduce and maintain weight: As oats has more soluble fibers than any other grain, they create a sense of fullness and fight obesity thus help to maintain and reduce weight.

7. Good for Brain & Memory capacity: As Oats is rich in vitamin B, it is an excellent source of diet for good memory and keeps us mentally active and alert.

8. Good for dry skin and hair too: Oats mask along with honey is one of the face mask commonly used to nourish & moisturize your dry skin. Besides, oats is a great product if applied externally to hair too as most shampoos contain oats as one of its main ingredient which leaves the hair silky, soft and strong.

So, if you genuinely care for yourself, your entire family and your friends, the health benefits of oats are definitely not worth ignoring. So, why not cultivate the habit of including Oats in your daily diet? Moreover, it is easy to cook plus a cheap super food too. So, don't delay. Take the initiative to eat oats daily either at night or in the morning, as per your convenience, thus making a substantial difference to your total health.


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